Welcome to the Blog!

The purpose of this blog, is to give you some insight into what happens behind the scenes here at Shout Radio. There is alot that happens behind closed doors, which you do not get to see and this blog,, will help showcase that,, along with our monthly Newsletter, which Colin writes for us.

We’ll post monthly updates, or more, with all sorts of things that have been going on at the Station, so keep your eyes peeled on this page.

General Election Coverage

We’ll have live coverage of the General Election, next Thursday, from 9pm. Toby Gribben and Aaron Bennett, will be covering the election until the wee morning hours,, keeping you updated through the night, with the latest information on the election.

Social Media Manager

We are pleased to announce that we now have a Social Media Manager. Lee Burns is our new Social Media Manager and has some bright ideas for the department. Welcome Lee!

Major System Outage

A couple of weeks ago, we had a major system outage, which caused the Hard Drive on our Music Server to fail. The Station Duty Team (SDT) and IT Services have worked to mitigate the issue and we have managed to restore files from backup and our Music Database has been salvaged.