Woman who started beauty business with £530 loan from nana makes £5m in a year

Woman who started beauty business with £530 loan from nana makes £5m in a year

Chloe Walsh, founder of Clomaná, said “I got laughed at, but then one video went viral – and everything went crazy from there” Chloe Walsh, founder of Clomaná, said “I got laughed at, but then one video went viral – and everything went crazy from there” Lancs Live – NewsRead More 

Teacher who ’emotionally blackmailed’ vulnerable schoolgirl was still working with kids two years later

Teacher who ’emotionally blackmailed’ vulnerable schoolgirl was still working with kids two years later

Bethany Woodcock has been banned from teaching after hugging a female pupil and telling her ‘you’re not allowed to shut me out’ Bethany Woodcock has been banned from teaching after hugging a female pupil and telling her ‘you’re not allowed to shut me out’ Lancs Live – NewsRead More 

M6 service station’s abandoned ‘UFO’ restaurant that was once called ‘appalling’ by top critic

M6 service station’s abandoned ‘UFO’ restaurant that was once called ‘appalling’ by top critic

The futuristic Pennine Tower restaurant at Forton Services, near Lancaster, was built to entice hungry motorists The futuristic Pennine Tower restaurant at Forton Services, near Lancaster, was built to entice hungry motorists Lancs Live – NewsRead More 

Lancashire couple raffling off three-bed house for £1 a ticket to help struggling buyers

Lancashire couple raffling off three-bed house for £1 a ticket to help struggling buyers

When an interested buyer struggled to qualify for a mortgage, Jennifer and David Matthews decided not to sell it via conventional channels and raffle it off instead When an interested buyer struggled to qualify for a mortgage, Jennifer and David Matthews decided not to sell it via conventional channels and raffle it off instead Lancs Live –…